Chapter 18: Get Involved… But Not Too Involved
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #18: Service, clubs, activities, and Greek life can be really important parts of the college experience. Just remember to keep your priorities straight
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #18: Service, clubs, activities, and Greek life can be really important parts of the college experience. Just remember to keep your priorities straight
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #26: Not being gross = staying healthy. Simple hygiene will help you avoid whatever bug is being passed around campus, and being clean
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #23: Taking safety seriously is mostly common sense, but it’s not always common practice. Develop smart habits around keeping yourself and your stuff
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #22: You’re on your own but you’re not alone. All colleges have resources to help you deal with the inevitable challenges you’ll face—it’s
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #16: At the risk of sounding repetitive, go to class! Get to know your professors, and take advantage of all the resources your
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #14: Procrastination can turn into an academic disaster. Learn strategies to fight it and save yourself from stress, sleeplessness, and self-sabotage.
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #13: Organizing and effectively using your time can be a struggle. Give yourself time to get used to this new learning environment, and
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #12: Whenever you need a little more inspiration, admonishing, or encouragement, come back and reread this chapter (then go to class).
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #11: It’s not just okay to ask big questions, it’s your duty. Go ahead. God can handle it.
SURVIVAL STRATEGY #9: There’s a tidal wave of new information and experi- ences coming your way, but don’t let your identity get washed away in