Chapter 18: Get Involved… But Not Too Involved

SURVIVAL STRATEGY #18: Service, clubs, activities, and Greek life can be really important parts of the college experience. Just remember to keep your priorities straight and find a good balance.

Chapter 26: Self-Care 101

SURVIVAL STRATEGY #26: Not being gross = staying healthy. Simple hygiene will help you avoid whatever bug is being passed around campus, and being clean is significantly more attractive to potential dates than being gross is.    

Chapter 22: Help is All Around

SURVIVAL STRATEGY #22: You’re on your own but you’re not alone. All colleges have resources to help you deal with the inevitable challenges you’ll face—it’s never a bad thing to ask for help.  

Chapter 16: The Fastest Way to an “A”

SURVIVAL STRATEGY #16: At the risk of sounding repetitive, go to class! Get to know your professors, and take advantage of all the resources your college has made available to you.  

Chapter 13: How to Be a College Student—Studying and Time Management

SURVIVAL STRATEGY #13: Organizing and effectively using your time can be a struggle. Give yourself time to get used to this new learning environment, and don’t expect to figure it all out yourself. There are resources to help you learn how to get it all done and still have time to kick back and relax.

Chapter 12: Go to Class!

SURVIVAL STRATEGY #12: Whenever you need a little more inspiration, admonishing, or encouragement, come back and reread this chapter (then go to class).   

Chapter 11: Being a Seeker

SURVIVAL STRATEGY #11: It’s not just okay to ask big questions, it’s your duty. Go ahead. God can handle it.  

Chapter 9: Who Are You?

SURVIVAL STRATEGY #9: There’s a tidal wave of new information and experi- ences coming your way, but don’t let your identity get washed away in it. It’s easy to lose yourself at college, so once in a while stop to think about the person you were before and the person you’re working toward becoming. Somewhere […]