How to say Goodbye to Family and Friends

As you go away to college in the next few weeks saying goodbye to your family friends can be the hardest part of leaving.   These are the people who made you who you are today and it’s important not to forget that.   A fun way to say goodbye is having a going away dinner/party […]

Pre-College Jitters-You Are Not Alone!

Fa-la-la-la-la-la tis the season. Everyone is going back to school and most of you are going to college.  Whether you are going to college out of state, transferring, or commuting college is a HUGE step in your life. Most people are leaving home for the first time and it can be kind of intimidating. I […]

OMG books cost what???

Tips and tricks from a college senior So college books are REALLY expensive. If you have not figured this out by now…whoa. There are many options out there for college’s books to buying, renting, ebooks, etc.   I will be talking mostly about book buying since that is my favorite option. Your college most likely will […]

Having “The Talk”

I don’t mean THAT talk, although chances are parents will try and squeeze in a refresher on that subject before you depart for college. Everyone is different but sending a child off to college is a big deal for parents (whether they show it or not). It’s a mix of pride, excitement, anxiety and loss. […]

Summer Reading-Does it really matter?

In high school, a lot of people waited until the last minute to read their summer reading books. Then again, there were times where I even have procrastinated in doing the summer reading. However, in college, a lot of professors try to incorporate the book for a couple of assignments. These assignments might be reflective […]

Get Movin’ and Groovin’!

So bear with me on the title. I know “movin’ and groovin’” doesn’t sound all that appealing but it will really help you out in the long run. At my school, there is a student who is a certified Zumba instructor. She teaches an hour long Zumba class 2x a week. It is the MOST […]

Preparing for college

  It is now August and most of you are preparing to start classes in just a few short weeks and a little over a month for those on the quarter system.  Like you most students are starting to freak out and wonder how the last days of summer will play out, making sure you have everything […]

Thinking about going Greek?

For many of us, there is a stereotypical view of what your college experience should be like. For some, this includes becoming a member of the Greek Life community at their school. Here are 10 things tips to keep in mind, if becoming Greek is something you are interested in. 1. Understand Greek Life on Campus 2. Think about […]

High Ho! High Ho! It’s off to school we go!

That time of year is fast approaching. You are probably scrambling around, making sure you have everything you need before you head off to school. School supplies, dorm room decorations, books, and more can make packing very overwhelming. Here are some simple tips to keep in mind when you are packing up for school. 1. You can […]

Mental Health and How to get help

Recently I was skimming through my copy of “The Freshman Survival Guide” and I stopped at chapter 8: Mental Health.  This is such an important and often forgotten about part of you time at college. When you first go to college, even if you live on campus, off campus, or commute you will feel some […]