Creating a Bucket List

           With the close of the school year, it’s time to start thinking about your plans for next year. What classes would you like to take or are there any clubs you’re interested in joining? Thinking about these kinds of things ahead of time gives you plenty of time to make […]

Run Away the Stress

It’s no secret that college can be incredibly stressful, especially during the time of finals and thinking about what you’re going to do with your summer. Alleviating this stress is important, and it is even more important that you do this in a healthy way. While hiding in your bed and eating junk food may be […]

Safety First, Party Second

House parties and fart parties are a way of life for many college freshmen. Whether you rushed a Greek organization or just know someone who did, chances are you may end up at a party by your senior year. These parties can be a lot of fun, but it is important to know how to […]

Understanding Your College Application

If this is your senior year, February is about when you start hearing back from all the colleges you’ve been applying to this year. Understanding what these letters from colleges mean can help you make an easier transition into your freshman year. If you’re accepted into a college, you usually get a big package from […]

Lifestyle Changes vs. Resolutions

In January, students often feel that they need to make a resolution. After all, everyone else is doing it. The key to a successful resolution is viewing it as a lifestyle change instead of a goal you need to meet for an x-amount of time. This is why you often seen the university recreation centers […]

Preparing for Finals

Finals week is the time of year when all of your good habits like sleeping, eating healthy, and exercising go right out of the window. Most of your meals turn into coffee and a snack, you don’t have the time or energy to work out, and it’s so easy to tell yourself you have to […]

The Roommate Conundrum

As you are nearing the midway point of your semester, take a minute and think about your relationship with your roommate. Do you love your roommate, you get along great and you have no issues? Or, like so many students, are you struggling with conflict with your roommate but aren’t sure what your options are? […]

To Drink, or Not to Drink

Partying at college is often seen as a rite of passage, with many people assuming that you can’t have any fun at all if you aren’t into partying. While you can have lots of fun at college if partying isn’t your style, it’s also totally fine to admit that you like partying with your friends […]

Make Friends with Your Syllabus

The number one dreaded response to a question you ask your professor is “It’s on the syllabus.” Professors love this phrase almost as much as students hate it. However, it’s important to understand that your college career will be so much easier if you make friends with your syllabus. This is your guide to surviving […]

Move-In Day is Almost Here!

Buckle up! It’s time to head off to college! The first year, moving into your dorm can be scary and overwhelming, but by senior year you’ll be able to do it with your eyes closed! One important way to prepare for your future room is to get in touch with your roommate. Most colleges email […]