“If you’re constantly on your phone calling or texting friends at home, people WILL notice, and trust me, it gets annoying and can really hinder the beginnings of friendships. So instead, put the phone away, turn it off even, and make plans to talk to your friends later in the evening or online. I allowed myself one visit home before fall break, but only one. So many students go home the first weekend and as often as they can, but this can be a mistake. You get to finally have fun with your friends on the weekends – it’s hard to make friendships like that if you aren’t around for it.”
Junior, Juniata College
“So many people are homesick in the beginning of college but it is totally normal, and many people I know left too soon to actually give college a chance.”
Jenna, Freshman St. John Fisher College
Boys Cry Too at BustedHalo
“My freshmen experience was me staying in that first night (turning down my roommate’s request to join him in the common area where many freshmen had gathered) and crying until I fell asleep. That next day I felt a lot better and started going out to meet new people. For me, I just needed to let it all out for one night before moving on.”
A sensitive (and anonymous) male BH staffer