Physical Health

You may think that flu season is gone, but don’t be too sure. Allergies and colds can still come around, even as the nice weather comes back. Don’t forget to check in with the health center on campus if you feel you’re getting sick. Getting enough sleep and eating enough during the day will help […]

Mental Health

Now that the weather is starting to get better, and the semester seems to be nearing its end, it is easy to think that we have everything figured out. It is extremely hard to get out of the funk we may have had when winter hit us all hard. The work seems to never end, […]

Resume Tips

I could sit here and write a huge blog on the importance of having a good resume when looking for summer jobs and internships, but I’m not. I could post my resume and say “these are the things you NEED to do in order to get your resume noticed”, but that won’t help you either. […]

Campus Safety

Some simple rules about Campus Safety. 1. ALWAYS lock your doors. 2. Lock up your possessions, like your laptop, and don’t leave them unattended. 3. Feel free to contact your campus safety if you do not feel safe walking alone.

Did you bite off more than you can chew?

Is your workload too much? By this point in the semester, it may be too late to drop a class, HOWEVER that doesn’t mean that you can’t fix it. You can always withdraw or take an incomplete. There are always other semesters and time to take classes. Your advisor is always there for you. Don’t […]

Go GRΣΣK or Not?

As most colleges and universities Greek Life will be starting, or have started, their Spring recruitment, it is important to keep in mind some aspects about going Greek or not going Greek in college. I asked some of my friends what they thought about pros and cons were about going greek. These stories are from […]

Starting Fresh

Everyone chooses their own path in life. Some of us have known what we have wanted to do in life since the age of 3 or 4. Others of us have had some trouble figuring it out. Let me tell you a secret—IT’S OKAY!!! I have been out of college for 2 years now, and […]

New Year, New You

Happy New Year! 2014 will be a great year-you’ll be finishing up your Freshman year of COLLEGE!! That is an exciting thought, but also a little scary. What if you didn’t do so well in the last semester? Here are some tips to help you make good New Year’s Resolutions for the upcoming semester. 1. […]

Budgeting Your $$$$$

Do you ever look at your wallet one day and think “WOW-I have a lot of money this week” and then 3 days later you’re broke? It happens all the time, and then we think to ourselves, “WHERE DID ALL THE MONEY GO?” There are some easy ways to keep track of where your finances […]

Social Life–to party or not to party?

College social life is not all about the wild parties that can occur. There are other ways to have fun. Here are some easy, fun and cost-friendly ways to have fun: 1. Movie Night-Invite some friends to your room and ask friends to bring some movies over. Then, have a fun time eating pizza and […]