Got Culture?

One of the “side effects” of college is being exposed to things that you may not have been exposed to previously.  It is also a chance for you to gain interest in things that you may not have previously had an interest. Your campus will offer a variety programs and activities.  You should challenge yourself to attend at least one program in each category per year or at least one each before you graduate. There will be plethora of things to choose from: plays, symposiums, concerts, parties, lectures, athletic events, novelties, comedians, musicals, dance recitals, art gallery showings, and the list goes on and on. Even if you are not extremely intellectual, not the artsy type, or do not understand the plays in football, still attend an event at least once. This the time when you be able to support your classmates, meet new people and gain exposure to unknown territory for free or relatively cheaply. Students gain admission into many university sponsored events for free, at a special rate, or they receive a discount.

Going out and trying new things, being exposed to the unknown is what helps make you well-rounded and “cultured”.  Enjoy the talented peers you have in your class, you never know what will become of them and how your paths may cross in the future.  In addition to making you a better-rounded person, these activities give you something to do.  Activities occur throughout the school year and are usually planned so there is not much overlap with programs being scheduled at the same time.  You can usually find a master calendar with most events on the school’s homepage and then there are departmental (Dance, Music, Athletics, etc.) calendars available with events as well. Most events are planned well in advance some as early as the beginning of the semester.

Not sure where to get started? Stop by the Student Activities office and ask what is happening on campus.  Enjoy the challenge and attend as many programs as possible.