So your RA may seem kind of lame for being an upper classman living in the dorm.  They enforce the rules of the residence hall and may always seem to be in your business.

As an RA we are a great resource for the university and life in general.  We have been in your shoes and we know what you are feeling.  Our job is to make sure your life at the university and in the dorm  is a good one.  Yeah we can be kind of dorky. But hey if you talk to us we may be kind of cool.

We can help you find your classes, know great places to eat off campus, where the best study locations are, what classes to take, where to get tutoring, how to get info about studying abroad, and sooo much more.

If you have questions we will answer them and we don’t know the answer we will find the answer.  We are here for you.  The resident.  Our job title is RESIDENT ASSISTANT!

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